Chelsith Reborn
A Huge Mistake
- Named lightning warrior
- PH: a mistake
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Spells / abilities:
- Spawns 3 oozes when his health reaches 80% 4 at 70% 5 at 50% and finally 6 at 20%. Adds are not mezzable, but are rootable. Also casts Absorb on the tank once every 25 seconds.
- Absorb - Places a debuff on you that drains your life and gives it to the NPC.
A Possessed Farseer
- Named shissar
- PH: a visionary pupil
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Spells / abilities:
- Shared Fate - Self buffs with this once every 30 seconds. NPC turns into the form of a player attacking it, and begins absorbing hits.
- Glimpse - This is a fear spell, cast once every 40 seconds.
A Successful Mistwielder
- Named shissar
- PH: an experimenter
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Spells / abilities:
- Corruption - A DoT with Endurance drain. Casts once every 30 seconds. This DoT is viral.
- Deadly Mist - Self buffs with this once every 40 seconds. Reflects melee and spell damage, adds a Mist Burn defensive proc, and a very large Damage Shield.
- Mist Burn - AE direct damage.
- Desperate Throw - Casts this once every 50 seconds. It's a very large DD, but does much less damage the closer you are to the NPC.
Floppy Flick
- Named shissar
- PH: a frustrated fisherman
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Spells / abilities:
Glorig The Underdog
- Named dwarf
- PH: a defeated gladiator
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Spells / abilities:
- Tireless Strike - Casts this on the tank once every 40 seconds. Lowers armor class temporarily.
- He alternates between being immune to spells and being susceptible to spells, every 20% health.
- From 100% to 80% he is susceptible to spells.
- From 80% to 60% he is spell immune.
- From 60% to 40% he is susceptible to spells.
- From 40% to 20% he is spell immune. At 20% he becomes susceptible to spells again and can be nuked to death.
Gora The Gourdsmasher
- Named ogre
- PH: a farm slave
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Spells / abilities:
- Supply - Casts this on a random player. Increases attack speed and power. Demand is cast upon the player when Supply fades.
- Demand - Melee and spell slow.
- Gourd Smash - Stun with DD.
High Diabolist Dynengo
- Named shissar
- PH: a willing sacrifice
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Spells / abilities:
Silvi The Mistress
- Named high elf
- PH: a groomed slave
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Spells / abilities:
Sliggles The Sneak
- Named gnome
- PH: an informant
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Spells / abilities:
Swordmaster Karla
- Named erudite
- PH: a sword tester, possibly others
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Spells / abilities:
- Perfect Rebuttal - Casts this once every 25 seconds on a random player. Fear spell.
- Blur - Casts this once every 50 seconds. Heals herself and evades.
- Shish Kebab - Casts this once every 30 seconds. Flings herself to target, stuns and DD's target.
The Hundred Hands Of Blood
- Named shissar
- PH: a tired torturer
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Spells / abilities:
- Ruthless - Self buffs with this. Increases attack speed and attack power.
- Guaranteed Tactics - Casts this on a random player. Damage over time and lowers AC. Casts Taste of Blood on the player with Guaranteed Tactics fades.
- Taste of Blood - Damage over time.
The Undefeated Blade
- Named shissar
- PH: a worthy contender (ring event, read description in comments below)
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Spells / abilities:
- Home Favorite - Self buffs with this once every 40 seconds. Allows him to absorb damage.
- Just Playing With You - Casts this once every 20 seconds. Damages everyone in front of him, and knocks them back behind him.
- Flashy Finish - Casts this once every 50 seconds on a random player (not the name). DD with large damage over time.
- Spawns sets of 3-4 adds every 20% starting at 90%. They can't be mezzed, rooted, or snared. Adds hit for around 8k.